If you want to know, do local businesses need a website, then this answer from a local business owner who makes his money from websites could really surprise you…
First up, this is a great question to be asking…
Everyone bangs on about how if you don’t have a website then your business is doomed but the honest truth is…
If you run a local business you do not need a website…
There’s so many different ways to get customers that don’t involve having a website…
And these methods are so effective that you could grow your local business to the point where you have employees and you can be flat out for the next 10 years all without having a website…
To be honest, if you’re just starting out and you need customers straight away, I wouldn’t recommend getting a website…
Trying to build out a website and then customers to your website will take way too long. It’ll just slow you down and could take months before you ever see a customer from your website…
You would’d be better off using these other methods to get the money coming in and get it coming in quickly…
Once you’ve got money coming in, you should get a local business website up and running…
But to start out, you should try these other customer getting methods before you build out your local business website…
Get Listed on Google My Business and use Their Website…
Google my Business is like a cheat code for local business owners who don’t have a website…
All you have to do is claim your free listing on Google Maps and once you rank you get to skip past all of the local businesses that do have websites ranking on Google…
And all you need is to be local…
That’s it…
Well, you do need to optimise your listing and put up pictures, but essentially, you don’t need a website because Google will build you one right on their platform and it’s automatically updated every time you put a picture or update your maps profile…
Getting listed on Google my Business is easy…
If you want to know how it’s done, check out my guide on how to rank on Google Maps…
But, if you really don’t want to get into all that internet stuff just yet, I don’t blame you…
You should do this instead…
Team up With Local Businesses and Tap into The Customers that Come to Their Website…
This is one of the most effective ways to get local customers without a website…
The idea with this one is to make a list of non competing businesses who also have the same customers as you…
Let’s say you pressure wash roofs…
You could team up with a roof plumber who comes across dirty roofs on a daily basis…
His customer could benefit from having a roof clean so the plumber recommends your roof cleaning service to his customer…
That’s essentially what it is…
But if you want this to work, you can’t just be a parasite and take from the plumber…
There needs to be something in it for him as well…
You could offer to pay him a certain percentage of the work that he gets you…
Or you could offer to also recommend work over to him from your customers…
But what do you do if you don’t have customers to send to him??
Here’s a little trick to instantly get a list of your own customers…
Well, you can also team up with a tree pruning service and a gutter cleaning service…
They also send you customers…
So now you have customers coming in from 3 different companies…
All you have to do is send your customers from your gutter cleaner and tree pruning friends over to your plumber…
And send the customers you get from your plumber over to your gutter cleaning buddy…
Everyone wins…
You don’t need a website or any of your own customers…
Just be the middle man and tap into the other businesses customers they get from their websites and then share them between your network…
It really is that simple…
There’s actually local businesses everywhere who will send you the work without wanting anything in return…
I get calls all the time from other businesses looking for someone to help out their client…
It just works better if you can return the favour…
And if you do what I’ve laid about above, you can do it easily without spending a cent…
You don’t need a local business website or any customers of your own…
The best part is you can do this right now and have customers as soon as today…
You just need to get off your a$$ and take action…
Or keep reading, cause I’ve got another easy way to get customers without needing a website…
Eliminate the Need for a Website by Tapping into Already Established FaceBook Groups…
When I first saw this method, I didn’t think it would work…
But then I saw a local cleaner who I was consulting with, deploy this strategy and she filled half her schedule in 1 week…
The idea was to set her up with a website and get her listed on Google Maps…
Obviously this takes a little time to set up, so in the meantime, my cleaner friend made a little listing on Facebook that was so, so basic…
It was just her business name and contact details with the headline, “Looking for a Cleaner in Mornington?”
Then she listed what she does and that was it…
Next she went to a bunch of local Facebook groups and posted her ad…
Then she shared it and posted it again as often as they would allow her…
12 months later she’s fully booked and pocketed over one hundred grand in her first year…
Not bad for a small local business with no employees and no website…
This worked so well that she doesn’t need to set up her website…
So there you have 3 of the most effective ways to get customers for your local business without needing a website…
There’s definitely more ways than the 3 that I’ve outlined above but these are 3 of the most effective ways so I’m going to leave it there…
You won’t need any more than this…
With that said, after you start getting customers, I do recommend setting up a local website…
When you add a website to the methods above, it’s like putting your client attraction on steroids…
You’ll completely eliminate those slow periods in your business…
That’s one of the main complaints I hear from local business owners…
One day it’s flat out that they’re turning work away, the next they’re freaking out because nobody is calling…
When you build a website that ranks locally for the search terms that your customers use, you’ll never have a slow period…
And a website gives you credibility…
A local business without a website looks cheap and it’s hard to get higher prices for your services…
So by all means, get your business going with the methods that don’t need a website but once you start making money, invest some back into your business and get yourself a website…
I hope you got some value from this…
That’s it from me…