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Never Target Landscaping Keywords like “Landscape Designer” Here’s Why…
Landscaping Keywords like “landscape designer” get 165,000 searches each month… A keyword like “landscape gardener” brings 60,500 per month… Dang! Can you imagine what it would be like if you could get your landscaping business ranking at the top of Google for...
How to Start a Landscaping Business with no Money…
If you want to know how to start a landscaping business with no money, then this could be the most profitable message you read today… The truth is, you don’t need any money to start a landscaping business… Any equipment you need, you can always hire from your local...
The Best Way to Advertise a Plumbing Business in 2023…
The best way to advertise a plumbing business is to have at least 3 different inbound advertising methods at all times… Inbound advertising is where the customer comes to you instead of you chasing the customer… An example of inbound marketing is when a customer...
Do Local Businesses Need a Website? The Truth Revealed…
If you want to know, do local businesses need a website, then this answer from a local business owner who makes his money from websites could really surprise you… First up, this is a great question to be asking… Everyone bangs on about how if you don’t have a website...
The Super Simple, 200 Word, Local Business Marketing Strategy…
We all know that the holy grail of getting customers is to show up on Google when they come searching for your service… The problem is that it’s getting a little squishy at the top… There’s no breathing room up there… Because there’s so much money to be made for a...
Why content creation is important
If you run a small business and you need a free, easy way to get more customers, then this short report on why content creation is so important could change your business forever... Here’s why:: Did you know that content creation...
How to write a blog article for SEO
Think about this… You just typed in a search term similar to “How to write a blog article for SEO“ and you ended up here on my blog article… Could it be, that this article, is in fact a real life example of how to write good...
A Simple Marketing Strategy for Local Business Owners…
Wanna know a great marketing strategy for local business? It’s the one that I use whenever I start a new business venture or want to move into selling new services. It’s pretty simple, that’s why I love it. And it’s one of the...
3 Easy Local Online Marketing Techniques To Get The Customers Calling
There’s only 1 thing that matters when you’re looking at local online marketing... That is to get customers to call you and then trust you enough to pay for your products and services. All the mission statements, the business...